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  • 2023

Research Activity

Brown Bag Seminar



Seminar Topic / Paper

2023. 03. 08
Asset Liquidity and Monetary Policy
이승덕 (성균관대)
2023. 03. 15
The Effect of Chosen or Given Luck on Honesty
김덕규 (성균관대)
2023. 03. 22
Optimal Selling Mechanisms for Referrals
이주성 (성균관대)
2023. 03. 29
Population Aging and Monetary Policy: Population Growth vs. Life Expectancy
김명현 (성균관대)
2023. 04. 05
Are Nationalist Countries More Protectionist?
Chrysostomos Tabakis (KDI School)
2023. 04. 12
Impacts of Housing Costs on Health and Life Satisfaction: Evidence from Australia
김준성 (성균관대)
2023. 04. 19
Natural Disaster and Fertility Preference: Evidence from the Indian Ocean Tsunami in Indonesia
정연하 (성균관대)
2023. 04. 26
The Impact of Environmental Aid on Carbon Emissions Reduction
양은모 (성균관대)
2023. 05. 03
Estimating the Probability of Voting Cycle
송창근 (성균관대)
2023. 05. 10
The Effect of Local Government Spending on Income Inequality: Evidence from South Korea
민수진 (성균관대)
2023. 05. 17
Stock Option Pricing via Machine Learning Methods Combined with Firm Characteristics
한철우 (성균관대)
2023. 05. 24
Inter vs. Intragenerational Equity: Allowing Disruptions under the Pareto Criterion
김응식 (University of Kansas)
2023. 05. 31
Macroeconometrics and Reality in a Data-Rich Environment
김지현 (성균관대)
2023. 09. 06
No Taxation without Reallocation: The Distributional Effects of Tax Changes
Stephanie Ettmeier (University of Bonn)
2023. 09. 12
머신러닝을 이용한 한국 인플레이션 예측
한희준 (성균관대)
2023. 09. 20
Exploring House Price Momentum in the U.S. after the Subprime Mortgage Crisis
반품산 (성균관대)
2023. 10. 05
CBDC 도입과 지급수단/유동자산 포트폴리오 변화: 파일럿 설문 실험 결과
이승덕 (성균관대)
2023. 10. 18
What Can We Learn from Errors
김지현 (성균관대)
2023. 10. 25
Heterogeneous Expectations in the Housing Market: A Sugarscape Agent-Based Model
박대현 (성균관대)
2023. 11. 01
The Economic Legacy of Civilian Killings: Evidence from the Korean War
정연하 (성균관대)
2023. 11. 08
Blockchain Implications in the Supply Chain Mechanism
이기영 (성균관대)
2023. 11. 15
The Effect of Northeast Asia Power Interconnections on CO2 Emission Reduction and Its Benefit Sharing
허윤지 (에너지경제연구원)
2023. 11. 22
Sharing the Burden of Endogenous Negative Externalities
김덕규 (성균관대)
2023. 11. 29
Unveiling the Risk of Momentum in the Cryptocurrency Market: A Comprehensive Analysis under Realistic Assumptions
한철우 (성균관대)
2023. 12. 06
A Factor Model for Functional Time Series
최미정 (성균관대)