Date |
Seminar Topic / Paper |
Presenter |
2023. 03. 08 |
Asset Liquidity and Monetary Policy
이승덕 (성균관대) |
2023. 03. 15 |
The Effect of Chosen or Given Luck on Honesty
김덕규 (성균관대) |
2023. 03. 22 |
Optimal Selling Mechanisms for Referrals
이주성 (성균관대) |
2023. 03. 29 |
Population Aging and Monetary Policy: Population Growth vs. Life Expectancy
김명현 (성균관대) |
2023. 04. 05 |
Are Nationalist Countries More Protectionist?
Chrysostomos Tabakis (KDI School) |
2023. 04. 12 |
Impacts of Housing Costs on Health and Life Satisfaction: Evidence from Australia
김준성 (성균관대) |
2023. 04. 19 |
Natural Disaster and Fertility Preference: Evidence from the Indian Ocean Tsunami in Indonesia
정연하 (성균관대) |
2023. 04. 26 |
The Impact of Environmental Aid on Carbon Emissions Reduction
양은모 (성균관대) |
2023. 05. 03 |
Estimating the Probability of Voting Cycle
송창근 (성균관대) |
2023. 05. 10 |
The Effect of Local Government Spending on Income Inequality: Evidence from South Korea
민수진 (성균관대)
2023. 05. 17 |
Stock Option Pricing via Machine Learning Methods Combined with Firm Characteristics
한철우 (성균관대) |
2023. 05. 24 |
Inter vs. Intragenerational Equity: Allowing Disruptions under the Pareto Criterion
김응식 (University of Kansas) |
2023. 05. 31 |
Macroeconometrics and Reality in a Data-Rich Environment
김지현 (성균관대) |
2023. 09. 06 |
No Taxation without Reallocation: The Distributional Effects of Tax Changes
Stephanie Ettmeier (University of Bonn)
2023. 09. 12 |
머신러닝을 이용한 한국 인플레이션 예측
한희준 (성균관대) |
2023. 09. 20 |
Exploring House Price Momentum in the U.S. after the Subprime Mortgage Crisis
반품산 (성균관대) |
2023. 10. 05 |
CBDC 도입과 지급수단/유동자산 포트폴리오 변화: 파일럿 설문 실험 결과
이승덕 (성균관대) |
2023. 10. 18 |
What Can We Learn from Errors
김지현 (성균관대) |
2023. 10. 25 |
Heterogeneous Expectations in the Housing Market: A Sugarscape Agent-Based Model
박대현 (성균관대) |
2023. 11. 01 |
The Economic Legacy of Civilian Killings: Evidence from the Korean War
정연하 (성균관대) |
2023. 11. 08 |
Blockchain Implications in the Supply Chain Mechanism
이기영 (성균관대) |
2023. 11. 15 |
The Effect of Northeast Asia Power Interconnections on CO2 Emission Reduction and Its Benefit Sharing
허윤지 (에너지경제연구원) |
2023. 11. 22 |
Sharing the Burden of Endogenous Negative Externalities
김덕규 (성균관대) |
2023. 11. 29 |
Unveiling the Risk of Momentum in the Cryptocurrency Market: A Comprehensive Analysis under Realistic Assumptions
한철우 (성균관대) |
2023. 12. 06 |
A Factor Model for Functional Time Series
최미정 (성균관대) |