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Research Activity

Brown Bag Seminar



Seminar Topic / Paper


“선거가 재정지출 구성에 미치는 영향: 기초자치단체를 중심으로”, 민수진 
“The Effect of Housing Characteristics on Savings of Newlyweds”, 양은모
“중앙은행 화폐와 디지털지급수단의 역할과 전망”, 이승덕
“Do immigrants increase crime? The effect of types of immigrant on crime in South Korea”, 변재욱
“Trump vs. the GOP: Political Determinants of COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy”, 정연하
“The Shadow of Slavery on Innovation: Evidence from the US South”, 윤춘근
“Trade Diaspora”, Christopher Paik
“Nominal Interest Rates and Liquidity Premium: Evidence from the Korean Financial Market”, 이승덕
“Reversal of Culture: Slavery and the Rise and Fall of Individualism in the US South”, 정연하
“가구해체유형이 여성자살에 미치는 영향”, 변재욱
“The Regulatory Evasion in the Vertically Integrated Theaters: the Korean Movie Industry Case”, 유슬기 문서보기
“Attracting FDI Strategies of Developing Country Considering Environmental Damage”, 양은모 문서보기
“Tariffs, Agricultural Subsidies, and the 2020 US Presidential Election: Unintended Consequences”, 김명현 문서보기
“Declining Real Interest Rates: The Role of Energy Prices in Energy Importers”, 송준 문서보기