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“선거가 재정지출 구성에 미치는 영향: 기초자치단체를 중심으로”, 민수진 | |
“The Effect of Housing Characteristics on Savings of Newlyweds”, 양은모 |
“중앙은행 화폐와 디지털지급수단의 역할과 전망”, 이승덕 | |
“Do immigrants increase crime? The effect of types of immigrant on crime in South Korea”, 변재욱 | |
“Trump vs. the GOP: Political Determinants of COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy”, 정연하 | |
“The Shadow of Slavery on Innovation: Evidence from the US South”, 윤춘근 |
“Trade Diaspora”, Christopher Paik | |
“Nominal Interest Rates and Liquidity Premium: Evidence from the Korean Financial Market”, 이승덕 | |
“Reversal of Culture: Slavery and the Rise and Fall of Individualism in the US South”, 정연하 | |
“가구해체유형이 여성자살에 미치는 영향”, 변재욱 | |
“The Regulatory Evasion in the Vertically Integrated Theaters: the Korean Movie Industry Case”, 유슬기 | 문서보기 |
“Attracting FDI Strategies of Developing Country Considering Environmental Damage”, 양은모 | 문서보기 |
“Tariffs, Agricultural Subsidies, and the 2020 US Presidential Election: Unintended Consequences”, 김명현 | 문서보기 |
“Declining Real Interest Rates: The Role of Energy Prices in Energy Importers”, 송준 | 문서보기 |