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  • 2019

Research Activity

Brown Bag Seminar



Seminar Topic / Paper


"최근 노동 쟁점 이슈와 연구과제", 조준모
"국가재정과 사회보험재정, 문제없나?", 박형수
"일본에 있어서 대기업과 중소기업의 이중구조는 해소되었는가? :한국경제에 주는 시사 ", 권혁욱
"The Effects and Origins of House Price Uncertainty Shocks ", 2020.02, Sanha Noh
"On the Optimal Design of Biased Contests ", 2019.11, Qiang Fu & Zenan Wu
"Does the Number of Countries in an International Business Cycle Model Matter? ", 2019.04, Myunghyun Kim
"Heat, Human Capital, and Adaptation to Climate Change ", 2019.03, Jisung Park
"Production Function Estimation Robust to Flexible Timing of Labor Input", 2019.03, Kyoo il Kim & Yao Luo & Yingjun Su
"Kidney Exchange with Immunosuppressants ", 2019.02, Eun Jeong Heo & Sunghoon Hong & Youngsub Chun
"Optimal Income Taxation and Disability Insurance for Households with Intra-Household Care ", 2019.02, Kyung-woo Lee