Seminar Topic / Paper |
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"최근 노동 쟁점 이슈와 연구과제", 조준모 | |
"국가재정과 사회보험재정, 문제없나?", 박형수 | |
"일본에 있어서 대기업과 중소기업의 이중구조는 해소되었는가? :한국경제에 주는 시사 ", 권혁욱 | |
"The Effects and Origins of House Price Uncertainty Shocks ", 2020.02, Sanha Noh | |
"On the Optimal Design of Biased Contests ", 2019.11, Qiang Fu & Zenan Wu | |
"Does the Number of Countries in an International Business Cycle Model Matter? ", 2019.04, Myunghyun Kim | |
"Heat, Human Capital, and Adaptation to Climate Change ", 2019.03, Jisung Park | |
"Production Function Estimation Robust to Flexible Timing of Labor Input", 2019.03, Kyoo il Kim & Yao Luo & Yingjun Su | |
"Kidney Exchange with Immunosuppressants ", 2019.02, Eun Jeong Heo & Sunghoon Hong & Youngsub Chun | |
"Optimal Income Taxation and Disability Insurance for Households with Intra-Household Care ", 2019.02, Kyung-woo Lee |