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Research Activity

Brown Bag Seminar



Seminar Topic / Paper


"임진왜란과 조, 명, 일의 군수시스템 ",오호성
"Factor-Driven Two-Regime Regression", 2019.07, Sokbae Lee & Yuan Liao & Myung Hwan Seo & Youngki Shin
"Who, Republican or Democrat CEOs, laughs last? Political cycles in the market for corporate directors", 2018.06, Changmin Lee & Jihong Jeon & Woonam Seok
"Debauchery and Original Sin: The Currency Composition of Sovereign Debt", 2018.05, Charles Engel & Jungjae Park
"Inference for Iterated GMM Under Misspecification and Clustering ", 2018.04, Bruce E. Hansen & Seojeong Lee
"Bad Luck, Bad Policy, and Learning? A Markov-Switching Approach to Understanding Postwar U.S. Macroeconomic Dynamics", 2017.06, Gabriela Best & Joonyoung Hur
"Do Single-Sex School Advantages Exist? Evidence from a School Choice Lottery Program in Seoul ", 2017.05, Jungmin Lee & Yoonsoo Park
"Learning Rival’s Information in Interdependent Value Auctions ", 2017.05, Jinwoo Kim & Youngwoo Koh
"Statistical (and Racial) Discrimination,'Banning the Box', and Crime Rates ", 2017.04, Murat C. Mungan
"Unconventional Monetary Policy and Bank Credit Supply ", 2017.03, Gee Hee Hong
"Focality and Asymmetry in Multi-battle Contests ", 2016.08, Subhasish M. Chowdhury & Dan Kovenock & David Rojo Arjona & Nathaniel T. Wilcox
"Advertising and Risk Selection in Health Insurance Markets ", 2015.11, Naoki Aizawa & You Suk Kim