Date |
Seminar Topic / Paper |
Presenter |
2022. 03. 03 | Heterogeneity and Consumption-Related Puzzles in Open Economies | 김명현 (성균관대학교) |
2022. 03. 24 | Financial frictions: micro vs macro volatility | 이승철 (한국은행) |
2022. 03. 31 |
Forecasting Stock Returns with Conditional Quantile Level Dependence
박성용 (중앙대학교) |
2022. 04. 07 | 북한의 '중앙은행 돈표' 발행배경과 시사점 | 임송 (한국은행) |
2022. 04. 21 |
Under-Identification of Structural Models Based on Timing and Information Set Assumptions
김규일 (Michigan State University) |
2022. 05. 12 |
Exchange Rate and Inflation under Weak Monetary Policy: Turkey Verifies Theory
이상석 (Bilkent University) |
2022. 05. 19 |
The effect of war on local collective action: Evidence from the Korean War
양현주 (서강대학교) |
2022. 05. 26 |
Why Exchange Rate Pass-Through Matters in Forward Exchange Markets
최윤호 (Kent State University) |
2022. 06. 02 |
From Emergency to Normalcy: When Does Emergency Fiscal Policy Return to Normal?
장유순 (Indiana University) |
2022. 09. 15 |
Asset Pricing via Machine Learning: What and how to do? More questions than answers
한철우 (성균관대학교) |
2022. 09. 22 |
Sustainable Consumption and Long-Term Asset Management
구형건 (아주대학교) |
2022. 09. 29 |
What Impulse Response Do Instrumental Variables Identify?
이서정 (서울대학교) |
2022. 10. 06 |
Climate Change, Population Growth, and Population Pressure
David N. Weil (Brown University) |
2022. 10. 13 |
Segmentation Premium
김수헌 (KAIST)
2022. 10. 20 |
Asymmetric Information and Imperfect Competition: Evidence from the Korean Personal Loan Market
김미루 (KDI School) |
2022. 10. 27 |
Regularized Jackknife GMM with Many Weak Moments
한효진 (한양대학교) |
2022. 11. 03 |
Short-term Impact of Income on Mortality: Evidence from South Korea’s Public Pension Programs
고강혁 (고려대학교) |
2022. 11. 10 |
Fast Inference for Quantile Regression with Tens of Millions of Observations
서명환 (서울대학교) |
2022. 11. 17 |
A Trajectories-Based Approach to Measuring Intergenerational Mobility
이승희 (KDI School) |
2022. 11. 24 |
Partial Identification and Inference for Conditional Distributions of Treatment Effects
이성원 (서강대학교) |
2022. 12. 01 |
Positive and Negative Selection in Bargaining
김덕규 (성균관대학교) |