Dexterous Robot Hand
Recently, humanoid robots have begun to perform various tasks on replacing the human in the daily life such as cleaning, entertainments etc. So manipulation capability is essential for a humanoid robot. And robot hand must possess tactile sensor because of interaction between a humanoid hand and objects can be properly controlled only is suitable sensors are available.
Dexterous Robot Hand
This robot hand is manufactured by using a 3D printer and a new mechanism, called Active DIP-PIP(ADP) joint, is applied to this robot hand. The mechanism consists of a pair of moveable pulleys and a springs to generate both linked and adjustable motion. While the set of DIP (Distal-Interphalangeal) and PIP (Proximal-Interphalangeal) joint shows coupled movement in free space, it moves adaptively when it contacts with an object. The torsion springs attached on each joints ensure 1:1 ratio movement while finger is moving freely and produce additional joint torque while grasping an object.
SKKU - Hand IV
This is the new version of finger module which uses BLDC motor, Harmonic Driver. So, it can reduce backlash and make large torque more than last version. Now the position control by using hall sensor, encoder and potentiometer is enable and torque sensor will be included in this module. The first figure shows workspaces of fingers. The green area is the workspace of index finger, blue area is the workspace of middle finger and yellow area is the workspace of thumb. The next figure shows intersection area of fingers’ workspace. Red area is the intersection area between index and thumb workspace. Blue area is the intersection area between middle and thumb workspace. Finally, black area is the intersection area of all fingers’ workspace.
- Degree Of Freedom : 13 DOF
- Power : DC 24 V (Motor power) , DC 5 V
- Weight : 840g
This is an anthropomorphic robot hand called SKKU HAND III. Different from the previous gripper-type robot hands, the thumb is designed as one part of the palm and provides the mobility of the palm. The driving circuits for the SKKU HAND III are embedded in the hand, and each driving circuit communicates with others using CAN protocol. The SKKU HAND III is manufactured and feasibility of the hand is validates through preliminary experiments.
SKKU - Hand III (Finger Module)
This is anthropomorphic finger module called SKKU Hand III, which includes BLDC motors. SO it is more compact and powerful than former ones. It has 4-DOF. And it can be controlled by using CAN.
SKKU - Hand II
- Degree Of Freedom : 10 DOF
- Power : DC 24 V (Motor power) , DC 5 V
- Weight : 840g
This is an anthropomorphic robot hand called SKKU Hand II, which has a miniaturized tactile sensor applicable to the robot hand. Thumb is at an angle opposite to its other fingers, and the thumb and fingers are orthogonal, such that it can performs dexterous grasping and manipulation like the human hand. The hand is similar to the human hand in geometry and size because inessential degree-of-freedom is abbreviated during grasping. All parts were composed of independent modules from each finger to the electric board for control.
SKKU - Hand I
A three fingered robotic hand called SKK Hand I is introduced composed of the modularized robotic fingers. Its hardware and control issues are discussed and preliminary results of experiments are included. The proposed hand will expect to resolve the increasing demand for robotic applications in unstructured environments.
SKKU - Finger II
SKKU - Finger II
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- • 유원석, Fengyi Liu, 박한길, 김민정, 최민아, 구자춘, 문형필, 최혁렬, "인간형 로봇 손의 생체 모방 설계에 관한 연구", 대한기계학회 동역학 및 제어 부문 춘계학술대회 ,2012
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- • Joo-young Chun, Hansang Chae, Byungjune Choi, Segon Roh, Hyungpil Moon, Hyouk Ryeol Choi, Development of Anthropomorphic Robot Hand SKKU hand III, in Proc. Int. Conf. Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI 2009), pp.472-475, 2009/10/28-2009/10/31, Korea
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• ADD(Agency for Defense Development)
Design and control of a precision hand manipulater (2007.7 - 2012. 12) -
• 지식경제부
가사지원용 고기능 로봇손 기술개발 (2009.6 ~ 2014.5) -
• 지식경제부
스마트 로봇핸드를 이용한 로봇매니퓰레이션 기술 전문인력양성 사업 (2008.9 ~ 2013.2)
• ADD(Agency for Defense Development)