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The Korean philosophy program offers majors in Korean Philosophy and in Philosophy of Korean Culture. You can pursue to build up a professional knowledge of Korean traditional philosophy, and also to explore the worldview of Korean culture from a cross-cultural perspective.  


Course description: https://skb.skku.edu/eng_scos/programs/departments/korean_course.do


* Course description has not been completed as we are modifying the curriculum and the homepage.  


Admission: In order to be accepted, you must certify your language proficiency in addition to the application package. There will be an interview phase, and an interview via Skype can be arranged for applicants overseas.  


General Graduate Program Admission: https://admission-global.skku.edu/eng/index.html  


* There are MA, Ph.D, and MA/Ph.D linked track. Ph.D applicants are recommended to submit their master’s thesis or the draft for the expected degree.  


** For Language Proficiency, either TOPIK level 4 and above (Korean track) or Certificate of English Proficiency (English track) will be required. General Graduate students admitted via the English track must satisfy the minimum Korean proficiency certification within their 3rd semester.