For the Government Research Project where the Korean Philosophy Program joins, see below link:
[1] Ugye Research Project (Since 2019)
In 2019, our institute (IKPC) signed an MOU with “Ugye Cultural Foundation (우계문화재단, 牛溪文化財團)“and has been conducting a research project. For details:
[2] SKKU Postdoc Program in 2020
Dr. BAE, Je Seong was selected for the postdoctoral program, “SKKU Postdoc Program 2020,” which promotes outstanding doctoral graduates of the year under the title of “A Study on the Formation of Philosophical Discourse within Mainstream Confucianism in Late Joseon Dynasty (조선 후기 철학적 담론과 학파의 형성과정 연구: 낙학계 확립 과정과 외암 이간의 영향을 중심으로)”