Kyung Hwan Baik's Home Page
(1) I delivered a keynote presentation at the conference entitled "Contests: Theory and Evidence,"
which was held at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, U.K., on June 25 and 26, 2018.
(2) I delivered the 21st Hyo-Jung Lee-Soon-Tak Memorial Lecture at Yonsei University
on November 29, 2018.
(3) I presented a paper coauthored with Sang-Kee Kim titled "Duopoly Firms' Decisions on Disclosing
Their R&D Investment Information," at the 98th Annual Conference of the Western Economic
Association International, San Diego, CA, July 2023.
(4) I presented a paper coauthored with Dongwoo Lee titled "Sabotage and Free Riding in Contests
with a Group-Specific Public-Good/Bad Prize," at the 99th Annual Conference of the Western Economic
Association International, Seattle, WA, July 2024.
(5) I am currently teaching in the Department of Economics at Appalachian State University.