♦ Bimetallic UiO-66(Zr/Ti)-Ionic Liquid Grafted Fillers with Intensified Lewis Acidity for High-Performance Composite Solid Electrolytes
Jeong-Won Ho, Jongin Choi, Dong Geon Kim, Chaeyeon Ha, Jin Kyo Koo, Myeong Gyun Nam, Jihoon Kim, Jun Hyuk Lee, Minjun Kim, Myoung-Woon Moon, Moon Jeong Park, Young-Jun Kim, Chang Woo Myung, Minjae Lee,* and Pil J. Yoo*
Adv. Funct. Mater. 2023, 2308250 Click here
♦ Reinforcement of positive electrode-electrolyte interface
without using electrolyte additives through thermoelectro-
chemical oxidation of LiPF6 for lithium secondary batteries
Han Jun Leem, Wontak Kim, Sung Su Park, Jisang Yu, Young-Jun Kim*, and Hyun-seung Kim*
Small, 2023, 2304814, Click here
♦ p-Phenylenediamine-Bridged Binder-Electrolyte-Unified
Supramolecules for Versatile Lithium Secondary Batteries
Myeong Gyun Nam, Janghyeon Moon, Minjun Kim, Jin Kyo Koo, Jeong-Won Ho,
Gwan Hyun Choi, Hye Jin Kim, Chang-Su Shin, Seok Joon Kwon, Young-Jun Kim,
Hyuk Chang, Youngugk Kim*, Pil J. Yoo*
Adv. Mater, 2023, 2304803 Click here
♦ Astonishing Performance Improvements of Dry-Film
Graphite Anode for Reliable Lithium-Ion Batteries
Yuri Suh, Jin Kyo Koo, Hyun-ji Im, and Young-Jun Kim*
Chemical Engineering Journal 2023, 146299 Click here
♦ Sophisticated strategies for designing fast-charging
lithium-ion batteries without sacrificing the energy density
Hyeongjun Choi, Jin Kyo Koo, Soo Min Hwang, and Young-Jun Kim*
Journal of Energy Storage 73 (2023) 109078 Click here
♦ A Solvent-Free Process Enabled by Polytetrafluoroethlyene
/ Carbon Black Composites for Fabricating Electrodes for
Lithium- Ion Batteries with a High Volumetric Energy
Hyeongjun Choi, Dongjun Moon, Junmyoung Sheem, Jin Kyo Koo, Seungmin Hong,
Seung-Min Oh, and Young-Jun Kim*
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2023 170 090511 Click here

♦ Dual-Supporter and Dual-Salt Strategy for Solid Polymer
Electrolyte with High Ionic Conductivity and Elastic Toughness
Hyo Chan Lee, Min-Jae Kim, Myeong-Hyeon Kim, Tae Woong Yoon, Myeong-Eun Kim, Hwa Sung Lee,
Dong Seok Ham, Dongki Lee, Chaeyeon Ha, Young-Jun Kim*, and Boseok Kang*
Adv. Electron. Mater. 9, 2300094, 2023, Click here
♦ Interface-Targeting Individually Functionalized Ionic
Additive to Construct Stable Interphase on Selective Electrode
Surface for Practical Lithium-Ion Pouch Cells
Wontak Kim, Tae Hyeon Kim, Jisang Yu, Young-Jun Kim*, Ki Jae Kim,* and Hyun-seung Kim*
Adv. Funct. Mater. 2306068, 2023, Click here
♦ Polydopamine layer-coated porous Ni foam host for
Li metal batteries under lean electrolytic cell operations
Sejin Nam, Myeong Gyun Nam, Minjun Kim, Chae Yeon Ha, Myoung-Woon Moon,
Chan-Hwa Chung, Young-Jun Kim*, Pil J. Yoo*
Applied Surface Science 639, 158282, 2023, Click here
♦ Hybrid surface coating layers comprising boron and phosphorous compounds on LiNi0.90Co0.05Mn0.05O2 cathode materials to ensure the reliability of lithium-ion batteries
Seung Ah Yu, Jae Kwon Seo, Jong Min Yun, Hayoung Park, Yonggoon Jeon, Jungwon Park***, Min-Sik Park**, Young-Jun Kim*
Materials Today Energy 37, 101377, 2023 Click here
♦ Detrimental electrochemical behavior caused by excessive high pressure on Li-ion pouch-type full cell
Jin Kyo Koo, Younghoon Yun, Jae Kwon Seo, Sung Hoon Ha, Dong Won Kim, Junyoung Mun*, Young-Jun Kim*
♦ Critical Factors to Understanding the Electrochemical Performance of All-Solid-State Batteries: Solid Interfaces and Non-Zero Lattice Strain
Jaeyoung Kim, Wontae Lee, Jangwhan Seok, Minji Kim, Sangbin Park, Hyunbeom Lee, Young-Jun Kim, and Won-Sub Yoon*
Nano Micro Small, 2304269, 2023 Click here
♦Novel Strategy for the Formulation of High-Energy-Density Cathodes via Porous Carbon for Li-S Batteries
Dae-Seong Kim, Sang-Gil Woo*, Cheon-Ju Kang, Ju-Hee Lee, Je-Nam Lee, Ji-Sang Yu, and Young-Jun Kim*
♦Multifunctional Polymeric Phthalocyanine-Coated Carbon Nanotubes for Efficient Redox Mediators of Lithium–Sulfur Batteries
Yoonbin Kim, Won Il Kim, Hyunyoung Park, Jun Su Kim, Hyungyu Cho, Jeong Seok Yeon, Jongsoon Kim, Young-Jun Kim, Jeongyeon Lee*, Ho Seok Park*
Adv. Energy Mater. 2023, 13, 2204353. Click here
♦ Probing depth-dependent inhomogeneous lithium concentration in thick LiNi0.88Co0.09Al0.03O2 cathodes for lithium-ion batteries
Soyoung Choi, Weerawat Toaran, Seong Heon Kim, Young Jae Song, Young-Jun Kim*
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 943, 2023, 169029. Click here
♦ Beneficial Role of Inherently Formed Residual Lithium Compounds on the Surface of Ni-Rich Cathode Materials for All-Solid-State Batteries
Sora Kang, Hyun-seung Kim, Jae Yup Jung, Kern-Ho Park, KyungSu Kim, Jun Ho Song, Ji-Sang Yu, Young-Jun Kim*, and Woosuk Cho*
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2023, 15, 8, 10744–10751. Click here
♦ Reversible flowering of CuO nanoclusters via conversion reaction for dual-ion Li metal batteries
Siying Li, Jung-Hun Lee, Soo Min Hwang*, Young-Jun Kim*
Nano convergence 10, Article number: 4 (2023) Click here
♦ LiTFSI salt concentration effect to digest lithium polysulfides for high-loading sulfur electrodes
Jin-Kwang Song, Moonsoo Kim, Seoungbae Park and Young-Jun Kim*
Journal of Energy Chemistry, 78, 574–58, (2023) Click here
♦ Design of densified Ni-rich layered composite cathode via dry-film process for sulfide based solid-statebatteries
Dongjin Shin, Jaeseok Nam, Chi Thi Linh Nguyen, Younghoon Jo, Kyusik Lee, Soo Min Hwang, and Young-Jun Kim*
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2022, 10, 23222-23231 Click here
♦ Microstructure engineering of nickel-rich oxide/carbon composite cathodes for fast charging of lithium-ion batteries
Jin Kyo Koo, Hyeongjun Choi, Jae kwon Seo, Soo Min Hwang, Jaewoo Lee*, Young-Jun Kim*
Ceramics International, Volume 48, Issue 21, 2022, Pages 31859-31865 Click here
♦ Carbon nanotubes-coated Ni-rich cathodes for the green
manufacturing process of lithium-ion batteries
Jeongmin Shin, Jung-Hun Lee, Jae kwon Seo, Weerawat To A Ran, Soo Min Hwang*,
and Young-Jun Kim*
International Journal of Energy Research, 2022;1-14. Click here

♦ Self-Adaptive Anode Design with Graphene-Coated
SiOx/Graphite for High-Energy Li-Ion Batteries
Lanlee Lee, Weerawat To A Ran, Jung-Hun Lee, Soo Min Hwang*, and Young-Jun Kim*
Chemical Engineering Journal, 442 (2022) 136166 Click here
♦ Probing intraparticle heterogeneity in Ni-rich layered

cathodes with different carbon black contents using
scanning probe microscopy
Jin Kyo Koo, To A Ran Weerawat, Younghoon Yun, Jae kwon Seo, Moonsoo Kim,
Jaejin Lee, Seungtae Lee, Jongho Kim, Soo Min Hwang* and Young- Jun Kim*
Journal of Energy Storage, Volume 51, July 2022, 104395 Click here
♦ Densification and Charge Transport Characterization of
Composite Cathodes with Single-Crystalline
LiNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2 for Solid-State Batteries
Jae Seok Nam, Weerawat To A Ran, Seok Hee Lee, Thuy Hoai Linh Vuong, Hannah Jo,Jung-Hun Lee, Soo Min Hwang* and Young-Jun Kim*
Energy Storage Materials, Volume 46, April 2022, 155-164 Click here