[60] Park, J.H., Yu, B.J., Choi. J.-I., *Woo, H.M., (2019.01)
Heterologous production of squalene from glucose in engineered Corynebacterium glutamicum using multiplex CRISPR interference and high-throughput fermentation
J. Agric. Food Sci. 67(1) 308-319 [Link] (IF=3.412)
[59] Kim, D., *Woo, H.M. (2018.11).
Deciphering bacterial xylose metabolism and metabolic engineering of industrial microorganisms for use as efficient microbial cell factories
Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 102(22)9471-9480 [Link] (IF=3.340)
[58] #Ravikumar, S., #Woo, H.M., *Choi, J.I. (2018.11)
Analysis of novel antioxidant sesquarterpenes (C35 terpenes) produced in recombinant Corynebacterium glutamicum
Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol. 186(3):525-5834 [Link] (IF=1.751)
[57] Yoon, J. and *Woo, H.M. (2018.08)
CRISPR interference-mediated metabolic engineering of Corynebacterium glutamicum for homo-butyrate production
Biotechnol. Bioeng. 115(8):2067-2074 [Link] (IF=4.48)
[56] #Lee, S.S., #Shin, H., Jo, S., Lee, S.M., Um, Y. and *Woo, H.M. (2018.07)
Rapid identification of unknown carboxyl esterase activity in Corynebacterium glutamicum using RNA-guided CRISPR interference
Enzyme Microb. Technol. 114:63-68 [Link] (IF=2.932)
[55] Choi, S.Y., Sim, S.J., Choi. J.-I., *Woo, H.M. (2018.06)
Identification of small droplets of squalene in engineered Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942 using TEM and selective fluorescent Nile red analysis
Lett. Appl. Microbiol. 66:523-529 [Link] (IF=1.575)
[54] Kim, E.S., Kim, B.S., Kim, K.Y., Woo, H.M., Lee, S.M., *Um, Y. (2018.02)
Aerobic and anaerobic cellulose utilization by Paenibacillus sp. CAA11 and enhancement of its cellulolytic ability by expressing a heterologous endoglucanase
J. Biotechnol. 268:21-27 [Link]
[53] Choi, Y.Y., Hong, M.E., Jin E.S., Woo, H.M., *Sim, S.J. (2018.02)
Improvement in modular scalability of polymeric thin-film photobioreactor for autotrophic culturing of Haematococcus pluvialis using industrial flue gas
Bioresour. Technol. 249:519-526 [Link]
[52] *Woo, H.M. (2018.01)
Metabolic pathway rewiring in engineered cyanobacteria for solar-to-chemical and solar-to-fuel production from CO2
Bioengineered (IF=1.87) 9(1) 2-5 [Link]
[51] #Park, J., #Shin, H., Lee, S.M., Um, Y., *Woo, H.M. (2018.01)
RNA-guided single/double gene repressions in Corynebacterium glutamicum using an efficient CRISPR interference and its application to industrial strain
Microb. Cell Fact. 17:4 [Link] (IF= 3.831)
[50] Yoo, S.K., Joo, Y.C., Kang, D.H., Shin, S.K., Hyeon, J.E., Woo, H.M., Um, Y., Park, C., *Han, S.O. (2017.12)
Enhancing fatty acid production of Saccharomyces cerevisiae as animal feed supplement
J. Agric. Food. Chem. 65 (50), pp 11029–11035 [Link]
[49] Lee, H.J., Lee, J., Lee, S.M., Um, Y., Sim, S.J., Choi. J.-I., *Woo, H.M. (2017.12)
Direct conversion of CO2 to a-farnesene by metabolically engineered Synechococcus elongates PCC 7942
J. Agric. Food. Chem. 65(48) 10424-10428 (IF=3.154) [Link] (Issue Cover & JCR ranking 3% journal, [Link])
[48] Autonomous control of metabolic state by a quorum sensing (QS)-mediated regulator for bisabolene production in engineered Escherichia coli
Metab. Eng. 44:325-336 [Link]
[47] Min, K., Yum, T., Kim, J., Woo, H.M., Kim, Y., Sang, B.I., Yoo, Y.J., Kim, Y.H, *Um, Y. (2017.09)
Perspective for lignin utilization: cleaving 4-O-5 and Cα-Cβ in dimeric model compounds catalyzed by promiscuous activity of tyrosinase
Biotechnol. Biofuel. 10:212 [Link]
[46] Gong, G., Kim, S., Lee, S.M., Woo, H.M., Park, T.H., *Um, Y. (2017.07)
Complete genome sequence of Bacillus sp. 275, producing extracellular cellulolytic, xylanolytic and ligninolytic enzymes
J. Biotechnol. 254, 59-62 [Link]
[45] Gong, G., Lee, S.M., Woo, H.M, Park, T.H., *Um, Y. (2017.11)
Influences of media compositions on characteristics of isolated bacteria exhibiting lignocellulolytic activities from various environmental sites
Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol. 183(3) 931-942 [Link]
[44] Choi, S.Y., Wang, J.Y., Kwak, H.S., Lee, S.M., Um, Y., Kim, Y., Sim, S.J., Choi. J.-I., *Woo, H.M. (2017.07)
Improvement of squalene production from CO2 in Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942 by metabolic engineering and scalable production in a photobioreactor
ACS Synth. Biol. 6(7) p. 1289-1295 (IF=6.076) [Link]
[43] *Woo, H.M., Lee, H.J. (2017.05)
Toward direct biodiesel production from CO2 using engineered cyanobacteria
FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 364(9): fnx066 (IF=2.121) [Link]
[42] Jo, S., Yoon, J., Lee, S.M., Um, Y., Han, S.O., *Woo, H.M. (2017.09)
Modular pathway engineering of Corynebacterium glutamicum to improve xylose utilization and succinate production
J. Biotechnol. 258:69-78 (IF=2.884) [Link] [Link](Special issues: On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of Biotechnology in Jülich)
[41] *Woo, H.M. (2017.06)
Solar-to-chemical and solar-to-fuel production from CO2 by metabolically engineered microorganisms
Curr. Opin. Biotechnol. 45:1–7 (IF=9.294) [Link] (JCR ranking 4% journal)
[40] Kim, T., Cho, S, Woo, H.M., Lee, S.M., Lee, J., *Um, Y., *Seo, J.H. (2017.04)
High production of 2,3-butanediol from glycerol without 1,3-propanediol formation by Raoultella ornithinolytica B6
Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 101:2821-2830. (IF=3.337) [Link]
[39] Kim, W.J, Lee, S.M., Um, Y., Sim, S.J., *Woo, H.M. (2017.03)
Development of SyneBrick vectors as a synthetic biology platform for gene expression in Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942
Front. Plant Sci. 8:293 (IF=4.495) [Link] (JCR ranking 7% journal)
[38] Lee, H.J., Choi, J., Lee, S.M., Um, Y., Sim, S.J., Kim, Y., *Woo, H.M. (2017.02)
Photosynthetic CO2 conversion to fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEEs) using engineered cyanobacteria
J. Agric. Food. Chem. 65(6) 1087-1092 (IF=3.154) [Link] (JCR ranking 3% journal)
[37] Youn, S.H., Kim, K.-Y., Lee, K.M., Lee, S.-M., Woo, H.M., *Um, Y., Effective Isopropanol-Butanol (IB) fermentation by a newly isolated Clostridium sp. A1424 (2016.10). Biotechnol. Biofuels. 9:230 1-15 (IF=6.44) [Link]
[36] Kim, T., Cho, S., Lee, S.M., Woo, H.M., Lee, J., *Um, Y., and *Seo, J.H., High Production of 2,3-Butanediol (2,3-BD) by Raoultella ornithinolytica B6 via Optimizing Fermentation Conditions and Overexpressing 2,3-BD Synthesis Genes. (2016.10) PLOS ONE 11(10): e0165076 (IF=3.057) [Link]
[35] Kim, M., Kim, K.Y., Lee, K.M., Youn, S.H., Lee, S.M., Woo, H.M., Oh, M.K., *Um, Y., Butyric acid production from softwood hydrolysate by acetate-consuming Clostridium sp. S1 with high butyric acid yield and selectivity (2016.10) Bioresour. Technol. 218:1208-1214 (IF=4.49) [Link]
[34] Kwak, H.S., Kim, J., Woo, H.M., Jin, E.S., Min, B.K., Sim, S.J. Synergistic effect of multiple stress conditions for improving microalgal lipid production, (2016.09). Algal Res. 19: 215-224 (IF=5.014) [Link]
[33] #Choi, S.Y., #Lee, H.J., Choi, J., Kim, J., Sim, S.J., Um, Y., Kim, Y., Lee, T.S., Keasling, J., *Woo, H.M., Photosynthetic conversion of CO2 to farnesyl diphosphate-derived phytochemicals (amorpha-4,11-diene and squalene) by engineered cyanobacteria, (2016.09). Biotechnol. Biofuels. 9:202 (IF=6.44) [Link] (Collaboration with UC Berekeley)